Why Join NACPAM?

The question most often asked of organizations that are purported to represent the interests of pastors and ministers is: “What can this organization do for me?” In all fairness, it’s a respectable question. Too often, organizations like this are started by those who have the best interests of bringing the shepherds of the Lord’s flocks together, but politics begin to creep into the mix. The wolf gets in amongst the sheep, so to say. Plus, there are typically outrageous membership costs, a flood of emails that the church/pastor/minister really couldn’t care less about, and worst… an agenda that completely derails the entire edifice of integrity for the organization. Before you look at NACPAM as a potential whirlwind, stop… breathe… and understand that we will never be like that.

The “agenda” is simple: Creating a network amongst pastors, ministers, and churches that allow the shepherds of the Body of Christ to come together, share stories, compare sermon notes, get ideas to grow attendance, etc. We aren’t here to harass anyone, nor are we here to drain your bank account. There are enough money changers making a marketplace out of the house of the Lord. We aim to rise above that. So, if you join this organization, what does it offer? Let’s peruse the benefits:

  1. Membership in an independent organization: We are unaffiliated, in that we have no primary denominational preference, obligation, affiliation, or alliance. Furthermore, you can be of any denomination, be it Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, church of Christ, Church of God, Church of God in Prophecy, Church of God in Christ, etc. The only stipulation is that we are a Trinitarian organization, in that we believe in the Godhead expressed in the Trinity. Understand that failure to believe that truth in Scripture will cause you to be disqualified from membership.
  2. An organization dedicated to Scriptural Truth: All members of this organization MUST adhere to the Truths of Scripture; members must affirm that God is the Father and Creator of all things both heavenly and earthly, that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and died to atone for the sins of man, and that the Holy Spirit is an active participant in the Body of Christ as promised by Jesus. We do not affirm or promote the Prosperity Gospel (even though we do believe that prosperity comes through a relationship with Him), we stand against any “feel good” ministries that refuse to inform their attendees of what sin is, and we rebuke any “minister” or “pastor” that rejects the notion that the Bible is the infallible Word of God.
  3. There is no cost to become a member: We do things a bit differently, in that we don’t charge members to become members. We don’t have a big office to have to pay for, we don’t have dues to pay to anyone… in essence, we are a small operation utilizing the power of the internet and technology to bring our members together.

In short, we are an organization that has you, the pastors, the ministers, and the flocks you lead in mind. We know that membership in an organization can help the credibility of a small or independent church/ministry, and this is partly why we are here. No, we don’t have the clout of a National Association of Evangelicals; we are small but we hope that you will come alongside us to help us to grow. Someday down the road, we hope that the words “NACPAM Member” will not only carry a distinction, but also the knowledge of being affiliated with a solid, Biblical organization dedicated to the truth. Come alongside us, won’t you?

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